Bright (Clear) Winter is the brightest season of the Winter family (Dark Winter, True/Cool Winter and Bright Winter) and it sits between True/Cool Winter and Bright Spring on the seasonal flow chart. Unlike Bright (Clear) Spring, which has warm leaning neutral undertones, Bright (Clear) Winter has cool leaning neutral undertones. This season type is also different from True Winter, which is completely cool.
If we examine the Colour Dimensions of Bright (Clear) Winter (image 2) we can see that it is first of all bright, and then it is cool and after that dark.
Hue: Cool/Neutral Cool (the hues of Bright Winter are primarily cool, but as we can see on the image, they are not extremely cool and can also have some neutral shades).
Value: Medium-dark (Bright Winter colours can range from very light to very dark, more
but overall the value is medium-dark, leaning slightly to the dark end of the scale).
Chroma: Bright (Bright Winter is the brightest season of the Winter family, and this is the main colour aspect of this season type).
Now, let’s examine the features (hair, skin tone, eyes) of Bright Winter representatives.
Hair: Bright Winter hair is dark, ranging from medium brown to black. It is generally either neutral or slightly ashy or blue.
Skin tone: Bright Winter skin has a big range of skin tones, ranging from fair to deep and can be light, medium, tan or dark. Bright Winters darker skins have a glowing, almost glassy shine to them, and this is what differentiates them from Dark Winters.
Eye Colours: Bright Winter eyes are bright and sparkly and they are the first to notice. They are generally cool blue, green, dark brown and black, and you may also see a border defining iris and possible spokes on the iris.
Colour Palette
Just like Bright Winter’s primary colour dimensions, Bright (Clear) Winter colours are bright and cool, medium-dark and extremely intense and vibrant to be in line with this season type natural colouring.
The overall Bright Winter Colour Palette (image 1) contains some of the most intense and vibrant colours of all the seasons. The colours are mainly medium-dark, but there are many colours that are very light.
The colours lean towards the cool end of the scale, but they are not extremely cool. As a result, you will find some cooler shades of yellow (which is the warmest colour of all) on the palette, such as for example electric lime or neon yellow. The colour palette includes bright pinks, purples, greens, and blues that would overpower any other season.
At the same time, there are many neutrals in the Bright Winter palette, including black, white, platinum, cadet, and navy. Bright Winter neutrals are highly contrasted including very light neutrals as well as very dark ones. This mixture in value is needed to achieve a high value contrast or a medium-high value contrast, as the contrast between this season type features (you will find more details about this in the next section). While most true whites and blacks will work for you as a Bright Winter, you should not wear them alone, because they are not intense enough for your colouring. You will need to add a brighter colour to your outfit. As you are bright, wearing grey on its own can make you become washed out, but you can opt for grey neutrals which are not too muted or dusty, including gunmetal, a dark grey with bluish and green tinge.
Bright Winter worst colours are muted and warm, because they are opposed to bright and cool, the main colour aspects of this season type.
Value Contrast
The value (or depth) shows how light or dark a colour is, while the value contrast is the level of difference in value between two or more colours. The closer together colours are, the lower is the level of contrast between them, and the farther apart colours are, the higher is the level of contrast.
Bright/Clear Winter representatives can have: dark hair, medium-dark or medium-light eyes and a light skin, dark hair, eyes and a light skin, or dark hair, eyes, and skin with an almost glassy shine. Regardless of the colour of your features, there is always a high value contrast or a medium-high value contrast between them. If your skin is darker, the whites of the eyes will provide a high contrast against the dark hair and eyes.
On the image on your right, more
you can see a Bright Winter representative with dark hair, medium-dark eyes and a light skin. In order to determine her value contrast level, we converted her photo into greyscale and assigned a value from 0 to 11 to her hair, skin, and eyes (1 to her hair, 9 to her skin, and 3 to her eyes). Next, we took the highest number and took away the lowest number (for example 9-1=8). According to our value contrast scale that you can see below, she has a medium-high value contrast.
A) 0 - 2 (low value contrast)
B) 3 - 5 (medium-low value contrast)
C) 6 - 8 (medium-high value contrast)
D) 9 - 11 (high value contrast)
The medium-high value contrast, shows us that she can wear colours that provide a medium-high value contrast and her clothes should not be more than 8 values apart. In this particular case, it will be better for her to wear platinum with gunmetal and a brighter colour, than black with white and a brighter colour, which according to our scale are numbered 0 (black) and 11 (white). However, many Bright Winters have the highest value contrast (11) and can wear black with white and a brighter colour.
Following this example, you can examine your own features and see if there is a high value contrast or a medium-high value contrast between them. Bright Winters typically have a high value contrast or a medium-high value contrast between their features.
Colour Contrast
In terms of colour contrast, Bright Winters typically have a low colour contrast, when their features are mostly neutral or a medium-low colour contrast, when their hair and skin are neutral, but their eyes are bright blue or green.
On the image on your right, you can see that the Colour Contrast of the same Bright Winter representative selected by us is medium-low, as we can see neutrals and 1 colour in her face: neutral hair, neutral skin and blue eyes. The best colour combination will be: 2 neutrals + 1 colour.
Following this example, you can examine your own features and see if there is a low colour contrast or a medium-low colour contrast between them. Bright Winters typically have a low colour contrast or a medium-low colour contrast between their features.  
As seen in the previous section, the value contrast between Bright Winter features is high or medium-high, while the colour contrast is low or medium-low.
Therefore, Bright Winter representatives can combine colours that provide a high or a medium-high value contrast (taking into consideration the value contrast number), and the best combinations are those that repeat the value contrast level present in the appearance.
In terms of colour, the best colour combination for Bright Winters with neutral hair, skin and eyes will be 1 neutral and 1 colour, while the best colour combination for Bright Winters with neutral hair, neutral skin and blue or green eyes will be 2 neutrals and 1 colour. This colour combination system was created by us and supposes 4 colour combination possibilities based on each season features colour. more

The best colour combinations for Bright Winter representatives (image 1), who have a medium-low colour contrast, are the following:
1. A dark neutral + a dark neutral + a brighter colour (1 neutral + 1 neutral + 1 colour)
2. A light neutral + a light neutral + a brighter colour (1 neutral + 1 neutral + 1 colour)
3. A light neutral + a dark neutral + a brighter colour (1 neutral + 1 neutral + 1 colour)
4. A dark neutral + a dark neutral + a lighter colour (1 neutral + 1 neutral + 1 colour)
In terms of prints, the best patterns are those that only contain Bright Winter colours, but if you can’t find a print that is completely within your palette, you can opt for a print that also has small colour spots from a disharmonious palette. On the image on your right, you can see an abstract print that contains 2 neutrals (bunting and black) and a brighter colour (cyan). Besides the appropriate medium-low colour contrast, there is also a medium-high value contrast in this print. We already know that black’s value is 0, but if we convert the print into grayscale, we can also see that cyan colour’s value is 8. If we take the highest number (8) and take away the lowest number (0) from this print we get 8 (8-0=8), which is also her natural value contrast number. As both value and colour contrast are respected, you can notice how harmonious the print looks on the Bright Winter representative chosen by us.
The best prints for Bright Winter are bold and highly contrasted, and contain a bright colour (like in our example) from the palette. The patterns with geometric shapes with repeating designs and sharper edges, stylized flowers, or abstract prints are great.
Bright Winters have a sophisticated palette with many options for modern and sophisticated style. On the image on your right (image 2), you can see some Bright Winter Colour Palette Outfits ideas belonging to modern, romantic, sophisticated and bohemian fashion styles. You can experiment with the colours in your palette to create a high or medium-high value contrast, and find the style that works better for you (or combine styles). 
Bright Winter hair is dark, ranging from medium brown to black and is generally either neutral or slightly ashy or blue.
Usually, the best hair colour for Bright Winters is their natural hair colour, but if you want to change your natural hair colour, you should opt for another Bright Winter hair colour. Remember that your natural colour aspect is bright, cool, and dark and hair colour should also follow your natural colouring. A lighter hair colour (including blonde) can throw off your contrast level and damage your hair. If you are considering changing your hair colour, we strongly advise that you should opt for another Bright Winter hair colour for your best look. Ultimately, we all look our best when we are working with what is happening to us naturally, rather than drastically changing ourselves. more

Advising and choosing a new hair colour is, above all, respecting your high contrast level and the natural cold base. Great hair colours for you would be cool dark brown, natural black, cool dark red, or dark plum. On the image on your right, you can see how various Bright Winter representatives look with dark brown, black, and cool dark red hair colours. If you like red colours, and would like to opt for a dark red colour, choose the colour with caution and avoid any warm reds. It is important to stay in the same cool category so as not to create disharmony with the complexion. 
Bright (Clear) Winter lipstick colours are first of all bright and come from the pink, red and purple colours included in the Bright (Clear) Winter Colour Palette. As Bright Winter’s natural appearance is bright, cool and dark, Bright Winter lipstick is at its best when its similarly intense, cool and dark.
Bright Winters can try very intense colours that would complement the natural intensity of their appearance and will not look bold on them. So, don’t be afraid to go for more intense colours like those that you can see on our Bright Winter representative (vivid red, hot pink, rose pink, orchid, crimson, bright pink and rose violet). If you find these lipstick colours too light, you can try a slightly darker colour from the Bright Winter Colour Palette such as rowan, but you should avoid very dark lipstick colours because they don’t go well with your intense features. more

As Bright Winters are bright and cool, they should avoid warm, orange-based lipstick colours. At the same time, avoid nude and completely matte lipsticks, because they lack the intensity that you need.

Bright (Clear) Winter nail polish colours are taken from the same colour palette that is used for clothing. On our image you can see various Bright Winter colours that you can choose from, so don’t be afraid to opt for more intense and contrasting colours.

At the same time, Bright Winters who have a low colour contrast can combine 1 colour and 1 neutral on their nails to create impressive designs, while Bright Winters who have a medium-low colour contrast can combine 2 neutrals and 1 colour to create diverse designs. The same best colour combinations that are relevant for clothes also apply for nail polish, but you should also keep in mind your value contrast number.
When you create nail designs, keep your nail polish colours to 1 neutral and 1 colour or 2 neutrals and 1 colour depending on your features, more
because too many different colours will interfere with your low or medium-low colour contrast. Avoid warm nail polish colours, which are not suitable for Bright Winter.
Bright/Clear Winters colouring has cooler undertones, and silver flatters their skin more than gold. If you are a Bright Winter, your best metals will be shining silver and platinum, with very bright and polished surfaces. Matte finishes will look too rough for your bright natural chroma. If you want to wear gold, choose a cold white gold.
In terms of stones, highly prismatic, polished and bright stones such as diamonds, rubies, amethysts, sapphires and emeralds are ideal for Bright Winter.
On the image on your right, you can see some pieces of Bright Winter jewellery including earrings, rings, and a necklace. Besides taking into consideration what earrings to wear based on your season type, you should also consider the following: 1) what earrings (shape and size) are best for your face shape; 2) how to combine earrings with your dress style (for example modern, more
classic, sophisticated, etc.).
If you are not sure whether you are a Bright (Clear) Winter or not, you can contact us for an Online Personal Colour Analysis or purchase the Self Seasonal Colour Analysis Guide (15 €).
As you already know, Bright Winter is the brightest season of the Winter family divided into Dark Winter, Bright Winter and True Winter. If you are a Bright Winter, then your colour palette contains some of the most intense and vibrant colours of all the seasons.
Bright Winter and Dark Winter both have neutral cool undertones, but compared to Dark Winter, Bright Winter colours are brighter and less dark. Bright Winter is bright, cool and dark, while Dark Winter is dark, cool and bright. So, we can see that their main colour aspect is reversed, making it rather easy to distinguish them among the Winter family.
Bright Winter sits between True Winter and Bright Spring on the seasonal flow chart, but compared to True Winter, Bright Winter is not as cool in its undertones as True Winter. more
Bright Winter is bright, cool and dark, while True Winter is cool, bright and dark. Consequently, Bright Winter colours are brighter, and less cool than those of True Winter. However, True Winter colour palette as a nearby season is closer to Bright Winter, than that of Dark Winter. As a Bright Winter, you can borrow some colours from True Winter (brighter colours on the palette) or Bright Spring (cooler colours on the palette), since some of them are close enough to the Bright Winter colour palette. But overall, the Bright Winter Colour Palette may feel closer to True Winter than to Bright Spring, because they share the winter coolness.
In order to see how our Bright Winter representative looks with Bright Winter colours compared to Dark Winter colours (image 1) we selected some prominent colours from both palettes and draped her in them. You can notice that all 4 colours included in the Bright Winter Colour Palette (first row from your left to your right: emerald green, hot pink, blue blossom, and bright amethyst) are in harmony with her natural colouring. At the same time, the colours included in the Dark Winter Colour Palette (second row from your left to your right: deep pine, fruit dove, cetacean blue, and grape royale) are not enough bright for her and they don’t emphasize her natural colouring. Because Bright Winter is brighter than Dark Winter, she is slightly faded by those colours with a lower chroma. When the chroma of a person is higher (brighter) than the outfit colours, less bright colours interfere with the person natural colouring and make his or her appearance look faded and dull. The glittery sparkle of our Bright Winter representative almost disappears behind the Dark Winter drapes.
Compared to Dark Winter, True Winter colours are closer to Bright Winter, as if you took the cool colours of True Winter and added a few drops of brightness to them. You can see by yourself how our Bright Winter representative looks with Bright Winter colours compared to True Winter Colours (image 2). As True Winter has no warm influence, all 4 colours included in the palette are a bit too cool (second row from your left to your right: tidepool, magenta, cobalt, and cadmium violet) for our Bright Winter representative. At the same time, they are less bright, but the brightness is higher compared to Dark Winter colours. However, we can see that overall there isn’t a big disharmony between the True Winter colours and our Bright Winter representative. If you find it difficult to decide whether you are a Bright Winter or a True Winter, you can compare the same colours and see which ones will look better on you.
To conclude we can say that because of the shared Winter base, our Bright Winter representative looks good in Cool (True) Winter colours as a sister palette, but only Bright Winter colours are representative of colour harmony between head and body. To be most in harmony with your natural colouring, it’s better to use your Bright Winter colours.
Bright (Clear) Winter and Bright (Clear) Spring are the brightest of the 12 colour seasons, but the difference between the two is that Bright Winter is bright, cool and dark, while Bright Spring is bright, warm and light.
These differences are noticed in the Bright Winter and Bright Spring Colour Palettes. While Bright Spring colours are warmer and lighter, Bright Winter colours are cooler and darker. At the same time, the Bright Winter Colour Palette includes extremely light and extremely dark colours, such as black and white, while Bright Spring colours are not as extreme in their value.
Now that you know the difference in colour dimensions between Bright Winter and Bright Spring, more
let’s have a look at our Bright Winter and Bright Spring representatives and examine their features. Our Bright Winter representative (image 1) has a cooler and darker appearance with a higher value contrast between her features, while our Bright Spring representative (image 2) has a warmer and lighter appearance, and the value contrast between her features is not as high as Bright Winter’s contrast.
In order to have the confirmation that one is Bright Winter and the other one is Bright Spring, we will drape them in a few Bright Winter and Bright Spring colours, to see which ones work best on them. You can notice that all 4 colours (image 1) that were selected from the Bright Winter Colour Palette (first and second row from your left to your right: 1 blue blossom, 3 rose pink, 5 viridian green and 7 electric lime) harmonise really well with the natural colouring of our Bright Winter representative and blend in with her features. At the same time, we can see that Bright Spring colours (first and second row from your left to your right: 2 blue radiance, 4 French pink, 6 tropical sea and 8 daffodil) don’t work as well on our Bright Winter representative. The cooler Bright Winter blue, pink, green, and yellow lift her appearance and brighten her, while the warmer Bright Spring blue, pink, green, and yellow are a little bit too warm for our Bright Winter representative and don’t harmonize so well with her natural colouring.
On the other hand, all 4 colours that were selected from the Bright Winter Colour Palette look very cool on our Bright Spring representative (image 2), while Bright Spring colours look stunning on her. The warmer blue, pink, green, and yellow harmonize very well with her natural colouring.
If you are a Bright Winter you can still borrow some colours from Bright Spring, but look for cooler and darker colours on the Bright Spring Colour Palette. If it is hard for you to differentiate between bright and cool colours or bright and warm colours when shopping, you can put on the fabric a piece of gold or silver jewellery (bracelet or ring that you wear). If gold harmonizes better with the fabric, then the fabric colour is warmer, while if silver harmonizes better with the fabric, then the fabric colour is cooler.
Create amazing Bright Winter looks by using this Bright (Clear) Winter Colour and Style Look Book Kit (15 €) which includes 2 silhouettes and 100 clothes and accessories by style (Classic, Modern, Sophisticated, Romantic, Sporty, Bohemian and Eccentric). Print the silhouettes, clothes and accessories (bags and shoes) on a good quality smooth and white A4 paper (120 grams is enough) and cut out only the clothes and accessories.
If you are a Bright Winter, thanks to this Bright Winter Colour and Style Look Book Kit, you can combine colours and styles to create beautiful outfits.
Steps and Conditions to purchase the Bright Winter Colour and Style Look Book Kit
Step 1: Contact us
Contact us to further purchase the Bright Winter Colour and Style Look Book Kit. more

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